The Gluten Free Cookbook for Kids now available as an ebook!

 Just wanted to update everyone on an exciting developement.  My cookbook, The Gluten Free Cookbook for Kids is now available as an ebook.  You can purchase it from Amazon and here's the link


And an extra bit of news, Sainsbury's have selected The Gluten Free Cookbook for Kids for this month's ebook promotion.  You can purchase a sample of the book containing 20 of the best recipes from the book for just 99p.  I think this offer is limited only for the month of January and starts as of the 5th of January.    Here's the link





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evelyngittoes's picture
evelyngittoes wrote 10 years 36 weeks ago

Children with Coeliac Diseas facebook group

Hi Adriana I keep championing your book...mine is falling to bits since I first got it at the AGM in Edinburgh. I love it. Are you not a member of the group mentioned above. Your name doesnt tag when I type in recommending you. Still making the banana muffins :-) Evelyn