Gluten free chicken nuggets

Adriana, I have lent my copy of the book to a friend and have made the chicken nuggets for my grandson and froze some. Can you please tell me how long I need to cook these for and at what temperature when I cook from frozen? I am loving using your book to make things for him, he is only 14 months old and has a great appetite and tries everything - okay he spits out what he doesnt like but at least he tries it! Evelyn

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adriana wrote 13 years 48 weeks ago

Chicken Nuggets

Hi Evelyn,

How lovely to hear from you again!  To answer your question, to cook chicken nuggets from frozen I usually allow 15-20 minutes in a hot oven, ie, one that has been preheated to 190 C.  I drizzle the nuggets (frozen) with a little olive oil and then stick them in a hot oven.  Test them after 15 minutes by cutting one in half to check it's been completely cooked through.  It's difficult to say exactly how long as it depends on how big the nuggets are- if they are on the small and skinny side then 10- 12 minutes is usually enough, but bigger ones will need a little longer.  Really chuffed to hear that your grandson is enjoying your cooking.  It's lovely when they are happy to try stuff.