Yorkshire Puddings

 yorkshires in the pan 2 gf.jpgThe most requested gluten free recipe is without a doubt Yorkshire Puddings.  Here's a simple recipe which yields great results time after time.  


12 Yorkshires

Preparation time

10 minutes plus 25 minutes baking time


3 eggs
100g Cornflour
150ml milk (you can also use rice milk or soy milk)
1/2 - 1 tsp Maldon Sea Salt
Olive oil



Preheat oven to 180 C or Gas Mark 7.

Mix all the ingredients together in a large jug or bowl.  Prepare Yorkshire Tins by lightly greasing with olive oil.  (I use muffin tins instead and these work out fine) and place the tin  in the oven to heat up for a few minutes.  Pour the batter into the hot tins to just about ½ way up.  If you are using the mixed seeds, sprinkle these on the batter.  Don't worry if they sink to the bottom, they will find their way to the top once the Yorkshires start to rise in the oven. 

Bake for 25- 30  minutes until well risen and they release easily from the tin.

 Makes 12 Yorkshire Puddings.

 Tip:  For truly spectacular Yorkshires try placing a baking tin filled with boiling water underneath the puddings while they are in the oven.  The steam from the water helps to give them the most magnificent rise and also creates a crispy outer crust. 






This batter also makes great Toad in the Hole


evelyngittoes's picture
evelyngittoes wrote 9 years 32 weeks ago


Hi Adriana, long time no speak again. Just made yorkshires using your recipe, I have had lots of success with the cornflour method but concerned about the amount of oil needed in the tins. Was slightly concerned that just brushing the muffin tins with olive oil would work ...but it did! Excellent. Recimmended your book again on Coeliacs in the UK but couldnt tag you so dont know if you are still a member of the facebook page. Thank you. My book is falling to bits, I love it! Ev

adriana's picture
adriana wrote 9 years 31 weeks ago


 Hello my friend.  Wonderful to hear from you.  So glad to hear you discovered the Yorkshires again and the fact that a little brush of oil or a little spritz of olive oil spray will do the trick and they release from the pan easily.  Thank you again for recommending the book.  I sometimes get a notification, but to be honest, I'm not a big Facebook user, so I don't keep up with any comments etc.  I am more of a twitter person and slowly getting into Instagram. x