Are you into Thermomix?

thermomix close up.jpg gf.jpgIt's been nearly a month since my Thermomix arrived and I have enjoyed every single minute.  I'm starting to really understand the benefits of Thermomix and how to get the best results.  What I've discovered is that using my Thermomix really saves time.  I save lots of time washing up and it really is like having an extra pair of skilled hands in the kitchen.  For example, this evening I made a chicken curry which was beyond delicious.  It required no more then 4 minutes of my direct time in measuring, preparing and weighing out ingredients.  The rest of the time, was the Thermomix doing it's stuff.  In less then 20 minutes, the curry was cooked, without my having to stir, check or lift the lid to see what was happening.  I spent those 20 minutes calmly setting the table, reading an article in the paper and starting yet another load of laundry.  If you are interested in a demonstration or want more information on this wonderful machine, please contact me via email .  If you want to see Thermomix in action, check out the website


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